Thursday, July 14, 2016

In the corner pocket...

I think it shows how tired people are of political wrangling that the absolute most-active post on my facebook page is about cargo shorts. If you're going to wrangle, make it about Wranglers. Fashion criticism of yours truly brought to you in Technicolor by my much-more-stylish spouse.


  1. I saw this infographic posted somewhere else and (let me pull my cargo shorts a little higher) I hate fashion. This isn't a rant against you, dear Mr. Finch. It is against people who say what is in or out of style. Buzz off, I say. I wear what is comfortable and what is appropriate by society. After those criteria, who gives a rat's patootie what I wear. Here endeth the rant.

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  3. I'm trying to switch from cargo to 80's print elastic waistband, but they're hard to come by. Do you have any sources, Matt?

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