
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

You, yes YOU, are on the S&W Cover

This is from Razberry Ranid, his suggestion for the new title and cover for the Swords & Wizardry Core Rules. I just about died laughing when I saw it. Clearly,the attitudes expressed by the characters in this cover picture are not only system neutral, but one of them is you as a player. Which one?

Note: you may have to click to enlarge the picture to read their comments.


  1. The guy holding the lantern. ;-)

  2. At different times, all of them... but most often the skinny armed guy in the front with the sword and the helmet who seems to be saying nothing but is drawing his sword in order to attack the giant lifeless shinbone right in front of him.
    I have to say that this Mullen pidture is probably my favorite RPG cover of all time.

  3. My theory is that the guy with the lantern is either speechless with shock, or else the actual player is in the kitchen getting a soda.

  4. Either the guy grabbing the pretty bauble or the Elfy guy on the left.

  5. I'm the dude yelling "Stop!" Every time.

  6. Definitely, definitely the jerkwad grabbing the shiny bauble.

  7. The guy drawing his sword. Well done, Razberry!

  8. My theory is that the guy with the lantern is either speechless with shock, or else the actual player is in the kitchen getting a soda.

    Everyone else is trying to stop the halfling or otherwise thinks it's a "bad idea". That guy is helping him... but also keeping his distance. Haha. :D

  9. Actually, on second though, based upon recent play (the Humanspace Empires playtest) I'm actually in three or four (previously cleared) rooms away hiding under something.

  10. Glad everyone is enjoying my little funny and thanks for the kind words.

    I pitured the dwarf as trying to catch the halfling before he did something stupid and he was just out of arms reach. The halfling shimmied up the stone chair and no one notices until it was to late.

    I am the dwarf.

  11. ... the actual player is in the kitchen getting a soda.

    Haw haw... yes... and thus his PC is just sort of 'paused' there in mid sentence... and has been for about 15 minutes because his player walked past room with a television set that was 'on' and just started watching.

  12. Stuart: HA!

    I had a new thought about the big skeleton today and who he was in life. It's Billy!

    (Esp. scroll down to the Billy's Cave picture to get the idea, if you're not an Adventure Time fan.)
