
Sunday, May 15, 2011

S&W Core Rules - FREE for all!

The fourth printing of the Swords & Wizardry Core Rules are free for all! You can (and definitely should) download them from THIS PLACE RIGHT HERE AT RPGnow, so you can start enjoying them right away.

For those who will be playing in my Mythrus Tower game at NTRPGCon, these are the rules I will be using for the great dungeon delve into the megadungeon!

There is also a 2-page snapshot of my campaign, including the area around Mythrus Tower itself, included in the pdf (I had pages to fill to make the page count work out to a multiple of 4).

(Not to sound like P.T. Barnum, but this is the event of all time. You should hear this in an Archer voice. If you don't know what Archer is, it's a cartoon that's freaking hilarious on some cable channel).

Note: until I take them down, the books are available at Lulu but DO NOT BUY THEM unless you are a risk-taker because I haven't received my test copies yet. They should be fine, and I know some people may want them in time for NTRPGcon, and today is still a big lulu special using the coupon code, so they are currently available for those of you who are cool with taking a slight risk.

I have yet to decide if I've got enough cash to buy some extra copies to bring to the con or not.

Edit: at lulu.con the link is


  1. I believe it's FX that has Archer, but I'm not sure exactly.

  2. Nice work, Matt. Very handsome document.

  3. Yay! Directing my PbP players over there, right now.

  4. RPGNOW is listing the page count as 112. Adobe tells me that my Lulu downloaded copy is 146 pages.

  5. Possibly RPGnow is listing the page count at 112 because that's the printing this one replaces. The preview shows the old version, too. The actual download is 144 pages plus covers, so you're getting the right download, just the wrong preview information.

    If it doesn't fix automatically, I'll re-upload it as a new product, but hopefully that won't be needed -- I don't want to break any links that are already out there on the net somewhere.

  6. What are the main differences between this and the previous printing?

  7. Mainly additional alternatives or more resources, not underlying changes. As examples, (a) the full saving throw matrix is included as an alternative for those who don't like the single saving throw category, (b) a wilderness encounter table is included, (c) there are some more monsters, (d) attribute effects and hit dice comport with Supplement 1 instead of being a fusion with WhiteBox, [this is where the changes are - polyhedral HD instead of modified d6, open door rolls, etc],(e) there is a alternative sequence of battle similar to that of the Holmes blue book, (f) there is a two-page sample campaign setting (using my Mythrus Tower campaign). In-combat movement rates fixed/clarified. Various errata, mostly grammatical or layout. I think that's about it. Some new art. Sample dungeon mapping symbols, different sample dungeon map.

  8. Nice work!
    I'll be picking up the 4th Core printed edition in a couple of weeks!

  9. Core and not Complete at NTRPG Con? I'm surprised, Matt. Not upset or disappointed...just surprised.

  10. Mythrus Tower is my campaign, which is Core Rules -- I'm not there to run an expo game, I'm there to run my campaign. If it were about sales, I suppose I'd be running complete, but I don't go to the con to promote stuff, I go for the gaming tables and the socializing.

    Fact of the matter, actually, a convention game is so non-rules oriented that except for not allowing subclasses, the difference would be pretty much invisible.

  11. Sweet! Congratulations. I can't wait to see the new edition when I get home!

  12. Matt, thank you for posting the revised Core rules. I've been looking through them this morning and have been impressed.

    Though I use Fantasy Grounds II to play C&C online, you've inspired me to try to use the C&C interface with the S&W rules for some experimental one-shots. I think if I set up the character sheets in advance, it will be possible to play S&W-style.

    The revised layout makes it much easier to find info without excessive reading or page-turning. The content is beautiful, as always.

  13. Rob, you design the sheet, I'll find my way to the game ;)
