
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Free Stuff

Johnathan Bingham is giving away free 'zines:

A quick edit: There's also a neat mini-adventure at the Iron Tavern, and another at Infinite Dragons.

Another edit: I don't know how I missed this one, I think it's because it was posted so early. There is a neat, free downloadable adventure called the Tower of the Red Angel here at ...and the Sky Full of Dust.

That's three free adventures right there!

Make it four, and I really, really recommend this one, the Forbidden City of the Black Idols (Taqat) by Nicolas Senac. This is pure, undiluted Swords & Sorcery here -- it rings like R.E. Howard.

1 comment:

  1. This is the best compliment you could ever give me...
    Thank you. ;)
    Let me know if you want it in Knockspell !
