
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tougher Books and More Monsters, YES!

Everyone wants indestructible gaming books and lots of monsters. Not only that, but large numbers of people who haven't ever played OD&D or AD&D are buying a copy of Rappan Athuk and want to play it using the original rules. Welcome to all of you grognards-to-be! You'll find that the blogroll over there on the right side of the screen is a good introduction to (and link to many more sites of) the grognard community. We are doing a Kickstarter for Swords & Wizardry that is intended to meet a couple of goals that have been around for a while: (1) A really durable stitched-binding hardcover rulebook. It's scary to shell out the up-front money required for this kind of binding, but on Kickstarter we can largely eliminate that risk. (2) Distribution into Game Stores. Kickstarter money will fund the "rest" of the print run, allowing us not to lose our shirts by putting copies into distribution. This is most likely for the rulebooks only, but possibly the monster books -- that will depend on numbers. (3) The Monster Book, with illustrations. The existing printing of the S&W Monster Book is remarkable for its lack of a wealth of illustrations. We're going to commission tons of monster illustrations. (4) The chance of a Referee Screen. Referee screens require pretty substantial print runs to be cost effective. We think that using a Kickstarter will get us to that level, so this is a good way to try for a Ref Screen. (5) And breaking into the mainstream. Since there is a S&W version of Rappan Athuk, and Rappan Athuk had a huge Kickstart profile, this is a way to leverage all that publicity into an old-school game for the younger, mainstream gamer. (And now I go off to bite my nails in a corner until the project hits minimum funding)... Here is the link, at


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow, it's already rocking and rolling! At some point in the future, can you post a bit more about the S&W monster book, and how it relates (or doesn't) to TOH? I'm not familiar with that one.

  3. There is a small amount of overlap -- both books predate the hookup between Frog God and S&W.

    The Monster Book (which needs a better title, if anyone cares to be inventive) is basically a complete set of the AD&D monsters translated into S&W, plus about 200 (I think - have to check) totally new monsters that were invented on the Swords & Wizardry message boards by many authors, with feedback from all the others. It contains the monsters from the S&W rulebook as well, so that it can function as a separate and complete book if desired. I like complete books as long as they aren't so big that they're cumbersome.

  4. Matt, you continue to impress me with your ability to come up with product that I can't live without! I'm looking forward to this new printing of S&W:Complete.

  5. Will every page be laminated so as to guard against snack stains? ;)

    If you need any illos I can throw some your way. I did one of the Inner Child but it was after the book was put into print. Plus I've got some others.

  6. So is YOUR monster book different than this one?

  7. I do not want to sound all negative and I first want to congratulate all of you on launching another project.

    But I do feel a bit bad about all those (including me) that paid more for the "not-indestructible and a bit banged up" edition. I guess it was a premium to get the book more than a year before those that'll get it in November. And it wasn't a Kickstarter project and you guys probably did not want to commit that kind of money without knowing about the sales first. It's just that this edition seems that'll be the best to date (the inking also won't probably be too light this time) and on top of that it's cheaper. Guess, that'll teach me patience :)

    On another note, is there an option to get just the Monster Book and the Referee Screen?

  8. ZD, not at the moment, but I am emailing Bill to see if we can get that put in as a pledge level.

  9. Matt, have any decisions been made on the format of the referee screen? If not, I'd be strongly in favor of a landscape format. More particularly, I've found that the 2-part landscape screen recently put out by Troll Lord Games is ideal for my gaming table.

  10. Good luck! I hope this works out great for you.

  11. How about "Claws & Deviltry" for a title on the Monster Book? It parallels "Swords & Wizardry" nicely....

    Personally, I'd prefer a portrait orientation for the screen, but that's just me.

  12. As for screens, landscape is the way to go. It's just easier to see what's going on on the other side. I like Raggi's ideas for a CD case sized screen, actually. I am looking forward to seeing the monster book, as I have never seen it before. Is it the same as the Word document with the list of S&W creatures?

  13. I've always wanted to use "Beast Book" for one of my own projects, but by all means use it if you like.

  14. - The Creature Encyclopedia
    - Monstrous Compendium
    - The Beasts Grimoire
