
Friday, August 24, 2012

S&W pdf added into Reaper bonus goal

Reaper miniatures has just added a free copy of the Swords & Wizardry Complete Rulebook pdf as part of the $2,840,000 stretch goal. If that goal is hit, it means something like 10,000 people will get copies of the rules.

Incidentally, if you haven't looked at the Reaper kickstarter, it's pretty unbelievable what you get for $100 at this point.



  1. Hope it gets that high! I put my $100 in for the vampire level yesterday. So much crazy awesome Kickstarter stuff lately. KS has had a huge impact on the community and will probably continue to do so.

  2. GAH!!!! Everyone is tempting me with this damn Reaper Kickstarter! I can't afford it, all right! I'm poor! I make just-above-minimum wage with bill collectors breathing down my neck! I live with my guilt-tripping, paranoid, far-right-wing, father because I can't afford rent. At the rate I'm going, I'm probably going to have to sell a kidney on the black market before the year is out! WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

    Sigh... OK, I feel better now.

  3. This too shall pass, School Master. Henceforth there shall be mentions of the eaper-Ray ickstarter-kay.

  4. No need... I've broken down and laid out the $100. I probably didn't need to eat for two weeks anyway...

    No, really, have you seen how fat my ass has gotten? Crowdsourcing may be my ticket to a slimmer me. All of that money that would have gone to fattening junk food has now been spent on inedible hunks of molded resin!

    Soon, I'll be $100 closer to svelte!

  5. Congratulations on getting S&W in front of 15,000+ people.

  6. Matt, I have to say that you guys are doing something grand for the OSR right now. Between getting the hard copies to brick & mortar stores (or at least distributors) and getting the PDF rules out to this many gamers, you are promoting our community and preferred style to the world at large. Kudos and thanks!

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