
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Rappan Athuk Kickstarts Now

Frog God Games and Necromancer Games are announcing that the Rappan Athuk megadungeon will be sold through Kickstarter rather than by doing the pre-orders through Frog God Games as originally planned.

This is the Kickstarter page!

Yes, at $25K this is a really ambitious Kickstarter goal, but the fact of the matter is that it's a really big project to do a 700 page hardcover book with a separate map booklet, etc., etc.

Although Kickstarter does charge a fee, using the Kickstarter model allows us to pull in bonus goals and do other things that would be difficult if not using Kickstarter -- they've done all the website-programming already. Plus, I expect that the Kickstarter name will increase sales, although I'm not sure it's by 5% (not for an already well-known company like Necromancer or Frog God).

But if Steve Jackson thinks it's the right thing to do ... you don't argue with the OGRE.

I just got a phone call from Bill that in the first 10 minutes after launch we got a $3,000 backer. I haven't even finished this blog post yet. Okay, now I'm done. I'll blog more about it soon, I'm sure. I have to go see if he's yanking my chain.

Edit: nope, that was true. I think we broke $6K in the first hour, or really close to it.