
Friday, October 28, 2011

A humbling realization :)

I've always wondered why my post "Last Post Before..." is constantly viewed. I had thought it might be because people were thinking "Oh, no, a last post from Matt?"

I just discovered it's because the post includes the words "scrambled eggs." I'm not sure how it works, but googling "scrambled eggs" can lead you to my post. That's where the traffic comes from. My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings. Look upon my scrambled eggs, ye mighty, and despair.


  1. I made a flying alpaca monster entry, put on my blog. It got by itself 50 views a day. I took it off because, well, I don't really care getting "fake" traffic. :)

  2. Fake traffic can be good! Might introduce some new folks to the OSR.

    Three words: Hot Elf Chick.

  3. So, what I'm getting is that to really drive traffic I need a post about Hot Elf Chicks eating scrambled eggs on a flying alpaca? :)

  4. Funny stuff - I end up getting a lot of wayward traffic looking for information about demons, The Exorcist, Azazel, that kind of stuff. I don't think they stay long.

  5. Most of my traffic comes from a single post on Female Armour - "Girls in Armour welcome you to the OSR".

    Rather than traffic, a better measure of blog success is how many comments are left on a reasonably uncontroversial post.

  6. For some reason, spambots really love my post on Tegel Manor. I usually get two to five of them every day, always on the same entry. Huh.

  7. Hot Elf Chick, that was fun. And Johnathan's picture showed up in images and was named, the OSR's Hottest Elf Chick.

    Happy Haunting and Boogie Boogie.

  8. I get tons of traffic with an early post on weapons, tons from a post with Mahmud A. Asrar and lots with a post using the words "beam of light".
