
Monday, June 6, 2011

NTRPG Con pic

That's me on the chair, and then to my left (viewer's right) there is DungeonDork, Erol Otus, Dennis Sustare, (then about 3-4 people out of the frame, from the unseen Marshall Mahurin until you get over to Austinjimm), the back of Austinjimm's head, the back of Bill Webb's head, ANGRYWIZARD (feet on table), the back of Ala's head, Rob Badolato (Badmike's brother, playing a hobbit thief), and John January.

Thanks to Bill Barsh for snapping the picture!

I think this was during the battle in the interdimensional pirate ship sunken on the 4th level, where an evil voodoo-undead box with minions was fought with all kinds of awesomeness, including cannon-fire from one party member into the middle of a melee, hobbits swinging on ropes with a charmed bugbear (and later with the evil undead-thing clinging to the bugbear's ankles toward the end of the trajectory) collisions with invisible characters running with open oil flasks, a character turning into an undead-minion-thing during the battle, etc. It ended with the ship returning to its natural state, so old that the wood is petrified, rising up incorporeally through the earth to settle on the ground near the dungeon entrance with the party still aboard. Plans are underfoot to turn it into an adventurers' tavern with the bugbear as bartender.


  1. ANGRYWIZARD please remove your bare feet from the table. ;)

  2. Angrywizard is also the brewer of the home-brew stout and ale that we'd been drinking for several previous sessions. Awesome beer.

  3. I got a few nice pictures of your game too. I will try to post them later this week some time. It was a great weekend - sorry we didn't get a chance to chat!

  4. Cyclopeatron, why didn't you tell me who you were??? I asked about you (using Cyclopeatron since I don't know your real name) on Thursday, but nobody knew where you were or if you'd arrived yet.

  5. One day I'll make it to NTRPG. My brother lives in San Antonio so I'd have a place to crash afterwards.

  6. We were planning on attending this year but didn't make it. Hope to next year.
    Post more pix if ya gots 'em.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Cyclopeatron, why didn't you tell me who you were???

    I was totally overloaded with gaming. There were a ton of people I wanted to chat with but never got a chance to... I was aiming to make your Friday 8am game, but I'm embarrassed to say I slept in and missed the first hour or so and was too shy to ask if I could barge in mid-game (wasn't sure what your policy was on this). Many apologies for that!

    There was a lot of buzz about Mythrus - I definitely need to get in on it next time!

  9. The buzz matches the reality, I had an exceedingly fun time bumbling our way around the tower's surrounding wilderness.

  10. I too had a great time with Mythrus Tower. I played a lot of games at NTRPGCon (the first con I've ever attended). Several of them were simply outstanding. Thursday night's game with Matt, Bill, and the rest was among the highlights for sure.

    Next year I'm in for at least one if not more sessions of Mythrus Tower. Thanks Matt!

  11. Matt, the pirate ship scenario....sheer genius. I want to buy it, now!

  12. I know that room - the loudest room in the con! And well heck, Matt, I knew where Cyclopeatron was - you should have asked. :) He was the guy who runs around in his pictures with a beard and then arrives at the con without one - just to mess with The Boy's head.

    Great game on Saturday night too, Matt. I am still grinning about laundry.

    Oh, and Angry Wizard Brew is indeed awesome.

    - Ark
