
Thursday, June 30, 2011

I'm Back (sort of)

After a multi-day trip to Oklahoma for a funeral, we got back to find that the wiring connecting us to the net was fried, which meant another couple of days getting it fixed. I'm online again, but it will be a couple of days to wade through a week's worth of email plus handling the everyday things that accumulate when you're out of town. I should be functioning again soon, but I thought I'd post a quick note to explain the long radio silence.


  1. None of that sounds good, except the being back part. Hope all is well with you and yours, Matt.

  2. Dude I just made a post on the forum called where is Myth?
    Sorry for your lose, but glad to see you back you had me worried.

  3. Wow, sorry about all the rough stuff. Welcome back though.

  4. I should clarify that I barely knew the guy whose funeral it was -- although having heard the memorial service I wish I'd known him better. But it's not a grief type of thing for me, just a long trip to another city. He was my wife's sister's husband, which I think still makes him my brother in law, but only just.
