
Friday, May 6, 2011

Thumbs Up? Thumbs Down?

This is the illustration I did for the "staff" section of the magic items for the Swords & Wizardry Core Rules. It's hard to evaluate one's own work, so I'll toss this out for the question of "is this good enough to be put in a rulebook?" I think it is, given that it's just to flavor up the page describing staffs, but I'm biased.


  1. Well, IANAPACBIDLTCATFF, but I like it. It's got all the kinks and knots and weird bo-jangle do-dads that make for a fine magical staff.

    Looking at the initial thumbnail did confuse me for a sec, as I was wondering what the heck I was looking at - the hoofed leg of a very skinny-legged demon maybe? But embiggening cleared that up.

    The only thing I would change would to have a big old knob of something up at the top - like a crystal ball or something. But that would my own personal version of 'Pimp My Staff' - especially if I was going to actually use the staff and be expecting to bean people on the side of the head with it.

    - Ark

    *(I Am Not A Professional Art Critic But I Do Like To Complain About Things For Free)

  2. I do think it's good enough, but I'd suggest rotating it--either 180 degrees if you need a vertical image, or 90 degrees CCW if you can make it a horizontal. (I prefer horizontal.)

  3. Pretty Awesome I think. Love the hoof touch.

  4. Very excellent. I agree with rotating, but I'm not sure I'd to 90/180 degrees. Perhaps a 35 degree--just a slight slant, in other words. Otherwise, very nice.

  5. Woah, tha's a creepy looking staff. Heck, I can see Orcus using that thing. A+++++++, I would buy that staff, especially if it's a staff of power.

  6. Great work Matt! I've always been a fan of your art. I'm still digging that cover to the old schhol primer I bought from you a while back.

  7. Pouces en l'air !...hum, that's the french for "thumbs up" !

  8. Hope I can say this w/o you reading too much into it, but, nice staff!

  9. We can't just go round rehashing 40 years og cliche can we? that staff is all good ... but maybe too high tech for the simple magic effects of the od&d clone ...

  10. Love it.
    I very intriguing staff. :)

  11. Yes.

    No qualification.

    I get this by the way.

  12. Stylish. I like.

  13. Well done! Would have been easy to over do it. Subtle yet different.
