
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Effect of deadline for ordering Tome of Horrors

June 1 is when the pre-ordering for the Swords & Wizardry Tome of Horrors will be ending, and it's a somewhat important deadline because not very many additional books are going to get printed. The up front cost of these things is so high that we're only going to sort of "round the number up" from however many are ordered. There might be as many as 49 extras, but there might be fewer. So if you are planning to get the book, make sure you order it before June 1. There will only be a very few additional copies for sale to those who don't order in advance.

Note: this is only about the print copy - the pdf will remain available afterwards in the beautifully unlimited quantity that the internet allows.


  1. Is it going to be released as a PDF? Much I would love to buy a hard copy, the way I game these days would make a PDF far more valuable.

  2. Yes, I forgot to mention that, and the pdf will remain available. I will note that above. Thanks!

  3. Matt, thanks for the reminder, order placed!

  4. I wish the book was cheaper. It's really making me hesitate on ordering.

  5. Bought. There was some gobbledygook there during the purchase about a PDF download as well, but I didn't see any download links? Or does that happen simultaneous w/ shipping the print book?

  6. You get a free pdf with the book or can order the pdf separately, but the pdf won't be available until the book is. Usually the electronic layout is being prepared while the printing is being done.

  7. Will have to wait for the PDF as the book's price is out of my league.
    And also your very own monster book is already and awesome compendium.

  8. Matt, totally random question: you wouldn't know if there were any of the third printing box set from Brave Halfling lying around somewhere, would you? ;-)

  9. Drance - no idea. Those always went direct from BHP to people, they didn't pass through my hands.

  10. Matt > All ordered. It tapped the last of my Paypal credit, but I think it will be worth it.
