
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Skull Mountain S&W Game in Austin Texas

Jimm Johnson will be running his Skull Mountain (OD&D/Swords&Wizardry) game this month at King's Hobby shop in Austin Texas (8810 N. Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX 78753). The game will go from noon to 6 PM on Sunday, April 24. Here's the description:

Two days north of the last outpost of the Sparn Empire, through the cannibal haunted jungles of Brool, across the piranha teeming river, a great boulder-strewn crag rises from the mists. An enormous, leering reptile skull sits atop the rugged formation. Some say the skull is an odd natural formation, while others insist it is the petrified remains of some primordial unhuman god. Whatever its origins, the whispered tales of Skull Mountain all agree on one thing: incredible treasure and unmatched glory await those bold and foolish enough to penetrate the mountain, unravel its dark secrets, and brave its untold dangers. Of course such treasure and glory will only accrue to those who can return alive!

This is an OD&D/Swords & Wizardry scenario for low-level characters and beginning or experienced players. Characters will be created at the table before play begins.
If anyone's going to be in the vicinity, play on! It's SKULL MOUNTAIN!!!

Sign up here!


  1. Oh my, King's Hobby was a fixture of my youth--and I hear Jimm runs a mean game. I will definitely have to see about boogieing up the road for that one.

  2. Mind picking me up on the way? I played one session a few months ago and had a great time.

  3. Thanks for the post, Matt! If I don't see you in Skull Mountain, you'll see me for sure in Mythrus Tower come June!
