
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Core Rules Test Cover


  1. Not sure about the Basic Rules tag line. I'm still one of those who think Core works perfectly.

    That aside, it looks good.

    - Neil.

  2. My head's swimming over the whole core-vs-something else issue.

    Changing it is good to distinguish it from the Complete rules.

    Keeping it is good for 3d party publishers and name recognition. Plus lots of people are just very wedded to it.

    I'm leaning very slightly at this point toward just saying "screw it" and keeping it as core.

  3. Sorry, didn't mean to cause your head to swim. I've commented on the forum thread with some more thoughts.

    - Neil.

  4. Okay, the executive decision -- it will remain the Core Rules.

  5. I agree with them and you. Core rules is what it is recognized by. No need to change it unless there are some property issues.

  6. If you had named it Basic Rules, me and a lot of other people would think there are now 4 different versions of SnW out there. Glad you're going to keep it Core Rules.

  7. @Tim - there aren't any property issues, it's literally just because the acronym is the same as the Complete Rules. Given all the other issues with changing the name, that's probably minor by comparison.

  8. Another vote for staying with Core here ;)

  9. I am a proponent of "keep the Core" but of all proposed alternative names "Basic" has the best ring. This is one I could live with.
