
Thursday, April 7, 2011

... and speaking of artists

Jason Sholtis and John Larrey are two artists whose work has graced the pages of both Knockspell and Fight On! magazines. I didn't realize that they have a joint blog (Mr. Larrey apparently doesn't use the internet) -- but I discovered it yesterday. If you're a fan of traditional pen and ink fantasy drawing, you will really enjoy their work.

One of the things I like about their art is that you can often faintly see the "player desperately rolling dice" behind what's happening to the characters in these illustrations.


  1. Thanks for the mention, Matt! I must say that John is no mere Luddite, he's a card-carrying iconoclast (and an all-around excellent fellow). He may yet be dragged kicking and screaming into the late 20th century.

  2. Those two along with Christopher Burdett are my favourite old school artists.

    I really like the S&W: Complete book but my only gripe with it is, having been done by FGG, that it wasn't illustrated by those three awesome artists.
