
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Awesome Review of Spire of Iron and Crystal

Beedo of Dreams in the Lich House has written an excellent review of the Spire of Iron and Crystal.

This took me completely by surprise - it wasn't a review I solicited at all, and the module has been out for quite a while. Although readers should hit the link above to see the whole review, I'll quote my favorite part:

I found this to be one of the strongest adventures that's been published by the OSR. A few of my favorites (that haven't been reviewed here yet) include Stonehell, Castle of the Mad Archmage, and Death Frost Doom; The Spire of Iron and Crystal is right up there in terms of creativity and scope and is a must-have.

Maybe I'll write up some of the stories about this module at some point, if I can manage to tell them well, because some of the things that have happened in the module (especially at the session run at the first NTRPGCon) were freaking hilarious.

The module's available in two places right at the moment, because it's awaiting an upgrade to its maps and art before coming out through Frog God Games. You can get the pdf at lulu or a softcover of the original at Frog God Games. I haven't loaded it onto RPGnow, at least not so far.


  1. Not sure how closely you've been following Beedo, but on the topic of yesterday's post, he does a lot of reviews.

  2. Actually I just edited that post to include him in the body of the post.

  3. I am still discovering a lot of the blogosphere ... I'm a newbie at this. :)

  4. I have this lined up in my current campaign for my players when they reach the appropriate levels. This review certainly does a good job of making me look forward to running this module.

  5. Do you sell a print version of the module?

  6. Oh duh, you link to the softcover right in your post...

  7. Yeah, generally if it looks like I'm being subtle, it means I'm being misinterpreted. :)

  8. You need to post the NTRPG con writeup, because I only remember laughing a lot and not much of anything we did that was "right". We did have a ton of fun, though.

  9. Thanks for the kindly link, I got a bunch of traffic from Swords & Wizardry. This place is really hoppin'!

    Not much more to say, Spire of Iron and Crystal is an excellent adventure and really stands on it's own. I had gotten Pod Caverns of the Sinister Shroom as part of the same haul; I'll be looking forward to reading / reviewing that one in the weeks to come.

  10. I agree with Beedo - Spire is one of the best recently published modules I've seen. Great work Matt!
