
Monday, March 14, 2011

AD&D vs OD&D in Knockspell

I've noticed something quite interesting with the various submissions to Knockspell Magazine over the course of five issues. This is that despite the massively wider audience of AD&D, despite the fact that Fight On! is focused on OD&D, and despite the fact that there is not a corresponding AD&D magazine, the vast majority of articles I receive have been designed and/or statted for OD&D rather than AD&D.

I suspect that one reason for this is that I've done most of my author recruiting via the Swords & Wizardry message boards (OD&D), but I have also done an equal amount of recruiting offers at Dragonsfoot and Knights & Knaves.

I can't account for it. Feel free to discuss. :)
(as long as it doesn't turn into an edition war)

PS if anyone wants to contribute to Knockspell #6, either art or articles, contact me at mythmere (at) yahoo (dot) com. I'm bringing them in now - the deadline is April 15 (which is likely to slip a bit). Monsters, magic items and spells are all welcome, adventure modules are particularly welcome, and I'm also interested in getting a few reviews of recent publications or funny convention stories. Fiendish tricks and traps are also lots of fun.


  1. Could it be the ease of converting things from OD&D to newer editions? OD&D stuff is easier to convert up than it is to convert down from AD&D?

  2. AD&D already has 'Footprints' (available at Dragonsfoot). Perhaps that is one factor?

  3. Anything for OD&D also works for AD&D?

  4. Personally I've always considered Knockspell to be a Swords & Wizardry magazine, so the inclusion of AD&D material would seem a little jarring. As has been mentioned, converting up isn't a major hassle for anyone who wants to.

    - Neil.

  5. Honestly, with Footprints out there, I enjoy the almost complete Swords & Wizardry aspect of Knockspell.

  6. It is funny that OD&D players weren't satisfied their system and develped it into the complex AD&D. AD&D has a some complication, that is why it was crash. After Wotc didn't learn't the lesson and designed their edition into similar complex systems.
